JER publised 2nd Issue
The Journal of Economics and Research of ASEAD published its 2nd issue online. The issue may be viewed at The issue covers the finance sector from different perspectives. We thank the authors, reviewers, the editor and the editorial team.
The Journal is accepting paper submissions for the April 2021 issue. The due date for the paper submission is March 15, 2021, and the issue will be published online on April 30, 2021. Paper submissions are subject to editorial review and double-blind peer-review. No fee is charged during the application for or publication of papers.
The Journal of Economics and Research is an online academic journal that adheres to the highest standards of peer review and engages established and emerging scholars from anywhere in the world, and welcoming to contributions all kinds of scientific works in economics, management, finance, politics and international relations in Turkish and English.
The Journal of Economics and Research is indexed in IdealOnline, Cosmos, EuroPub and Asos Index.