JER April 2024 Issue Published

HomepageNewsJER April 2024 Issue Published

02 January
JER April 2024 Issue Published

The April issue of the Journal of Economics and Research (JER) published by ASEAD is out. ASEAD Chairman of the Board and JER Editor Prof. Dr. İbrahim ÖRNEK thanked all the authors and the reviewers for the issue. Prof. Örnek expressed his gratitude to everyone involved in the publication process, especially the Field Editors, Editorial Board and Advisory Board members, who contributed to the Journal, which has been published twice a year for 5 years.

Prof. Örnek stated that the article titled "Localization of the Turkish Pharmaceutical Production Sub-Industry, Its Economic and Strategic Effects; A Road Map" in this issue is an article containing strategies for the development of the pharmaceutical production sub-industry in our country, and that they, as a Journal, are happy to include an article that deals with this sector. Prof. Örnek stated that other articles that are in this issue which cover rural development, environment, health tourism and monetary policy are articles will contribute to the literatüre, as well. Dr. Örnek wished the 9th issue to be auspicious.

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